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Europoult Europoult
Supplying Day Old Turkey Poults

These goals are based upon results achieved with minimal allowance for mortality and using Hybrid’s feed specifications. Results will be affected by feeding program, water quality, environment, flock health and growing density.

Weekly Targets for Hybrid XL Male (Weights in kgs, recommended food regimeCommercial growing conditions).  All data is subject to the limitations as set out below.

 Age Wks Tgt Wt Liveability % Feed Intake Cum Feed Intake FCR Cum FCR
1 0.16 - 0.17 0.17 1.06 1.06
2 0.40 - 0.29 0.46 1.21 1.15
3 0.84 - 0.57 1.03 1.30 1.23
4 1.42 - 0.79 1.82 1.36 1.28
5 2.15 - 1.09 2.91 1.49 1.35
6 3.04 - 1.38 4.29 1.55 1.41
7 3.99 - 1.61 5.90 1.69 1.48
8 5.12 - 1.99 7.89 1.76 1.54
9 6.38 - 2.38 10.27 1.89 1.61
10 7.78 - 2.80 13.07 2.00 1.68
11 9.22 - 3.06 16.13 2.13 1.75
12 10.66 - 3.28 19.41 2.28 1.82
13 12.10 - 3.47 22.88 2.41 1.89
14 13.54 - 3.65 26.53 2.53 1.96
15 14.94 - 3.95 30.48 2.82 2.04
16 16.33 - 4.15 34.63 2.99 2.12
17 17.68 - 4.45 39.08 3.30 2.21
18 18.99 - 4.59 43.67 3.50 2.30
19 20.24 - 4.70 48.37 3.76 2.39
20 21.42 - 4.75 53.12 4.03 2.48
21 22.57 - 4.89 58.01 4.25 2.57
22 23.65 - 4.90 62.91 4.54 2.66
 Age Wks Tgt Wt Liveability % Feed Intake Cum Feed Intake FCR Cum FCR

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